Our objective is to strengthen partnerships among PDBs to accelerate the convergence towards shared standards and best practices, to support banks’ commitments to shift their strategies towards sustainability, and to give PDBs more visibility in the global fora discussing international policy issues. By mobilizing PDBs and crucial stakeholders, from private sector to civil society organizations, we aim to encourage more coherent approaches to make the whole development finance system consistent with our common climate and sustainability objectives.
The main purpose of the event is to bring together all public development banks (PDBs) from all around the world, together with their main partners, with a view to showcase how they play an irreplaceable role making finance more inclusive and sustainable.
Smaller firms, women or vulnerable population are traditionally excluded from the formal financial system and PDBs.
PDBs must have a leading role in developing new tools to close the financial gap for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
Most emerging economies face infrastructure investment gaps along with the need to make the energy transition.
All these challenges ahead require for better institutional capacity, regulation, and governance of the development finance ecosystem.
Through innovative financing solutions and tools, contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs).